Ethics is as important when using the Web as it is in our everyday lives. This "netiquette" or etiquette in relation to the Web means to be courteous to others. Therefore, one should not write offensive things or "shout" (typing in all capital letters) at others on the Web. Along with monitoring ones social behaviors, copyright laws should also reviewed and followed. However, there are Fair use laws set in place that allow teachers to use materials for nonprofit educational purposes. Plagiarism is also an issue when using the Web. The internet has made plagiarizing easier for those individuals by offering a wide array of information in one place. Plagiarism can be defined in a few ways. One of which is turning in someone else's entire work as your own. The second is using exact words from another source without putting in quotes and citing the source. A third way is by rearranging the words in another authors work and using it as your own. is a resource that can help both students and teachers identify what exactly is considered plagiarizing. Students can submit their papers into this website and it will notify both them and the instructor exactly what percentage was taken from another source along with highlighting the information in question. I have really liked using Turnitin for papers that I have submitted because it takes the worry out of waiting to see if I messed up. I also plan on using this is my future classrooms. I did not encounter any problems using the Turnitin website. The Turnitin website can be tied to NETS-T: 4 which is to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. This is being done by teaching safe and legal use and respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.
Here is the link to my Turnitin Assignment:
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