Thursday, November 21, 2013

Movie Story

Windows Movie Maker is a program comes with the Windows operating system. This program allows you to create a slide show for anything that you could imagine. You can add pictures, video clips, text, and even music to personalize the slide show you are making. I created a video using Movie Maker to tell a story about two of the most important people in my life, my babies. I created my slides using pictures of my children in chronological order. I started with pictures from my sons birth, and progressed to the age he is now. I did the same thing with the pictures of my daughter. The song that I used in the background was a song that I use to sing to my son when he was a baby. This video is really special for me because it takes all of my favorites pictures of my babies and puts them in one beautiful video that I can save and view forever. The music that you add to the video can come from anything that you have saved on your computer or even downloaded from the web. I really enjoyed using this program. I think that this would be a great way to preserve memories from my future classroom. I can add pictures of my students through out the year and create this video as a gift to their parents at the end. I can also use this program as a way to creatively teach on a specific topic, instead of just creating a PowerPoint presentation. The only problem that I had with this program was trying to figure out the timing in between each slide. It took some playing around with the video timing until I got it just the way that I wanted it to be. This activity can be tied to NETS-T: 2 which is to design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. By using this software to create a presentation on a specific learning objective, I will be designing or adapting relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
Here is the movie that I created titled My Sweet Babies!:

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